1948 | HP | |
Men's Heavyweight (+80 kg) | QF | 861 |
861 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's 5000 metres | R1:dnf | -6.10 | |
Men's 3000 m Steeplechase | 12th | SF:20th | 61.5 |
61.5000001 |
1948 | HP | |
Music - Compositions for Orchestra | HM | 676 |
676 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Marathon | 51st | 0.00000096 |
0.00000096 |
1952 | HP | |
Foil, individual | R1:5th | 0.00003 |
Foil, Team | R1:3rd | 7.78 |
Sabre, individual | R1:6th | 0.0000012 |
Sabre, Team | R1:4th | 2.69 |
10.4700312 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | silver | 2000 |
2000 |
Olympic Competitor nr 1607
1972 | HP | |
Women's 100 m Hurdles | SF:6th | 78 |
78 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | silver | 3000 |
3000 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Kayak Doubles 10000m | sixth | 480 |
480 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Foil, Team | gold | 1600 |
1600 |
IOC President since 2011.
1972 | HP | |
Men's 4x100 m Freestyle Relay | fifth | 250 |
250 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Individual combined (6 apparatuses) | 11th | 64 |
Men's Team combined | silver | 1000 |
Men's Floor Exercise | 20th | 0.25 |
Men's Vault | fourth | 400 |
Men's Parallel Bars | sixth | 160 |
Men's Horizontal Bar | 23rd | 0.064 |
Men's Rings | 55th | - |
Men's Pommeled Horse | fifth | 250 |
1774.314 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Singles | R2 | 0.00027 |
Men's Doubles | R1 | 0.00081 |
0.00108 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Triple Jump | QU:9th | 240 |
240 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's 5000 metres | FI:dns | 10 | |
Men's Marathon | 9th | 240 | |
250 |
1948 | HP | |
Women's Singles | 9th | 240 |
240 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's 18 km | 21st | 0.64 |
0.64 |
Olympic Competitor nr 5055
1964 | HP | |
Men's Team | 15th | 5 |
5 |
1968 | HP | |
Men's 50 km | 12th | 40 |
40 |
1936 | HP | |
Eight metres Class | 9th | 80 |
80 |
1988 | HP | |
Doubles | 18th | 3.2 |
3.2 |
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Featherweight (-57 kg) | R16 | 9679.13 | |
Men's Welterweight (-67.5 kg) | gold | ||
9679.13 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-56 kg) | sixth | 960 |
960 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's Downhill | 26th | 0.064 | |
Men's Giant Slalom | 13th | 9th | 185.6 |
Men's Slalom | sixth | 10th | 740 |
925.664 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Slalom | 11th | 64 |
64 |
1968 | 1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Normal Hill | silver | 29th | sixth | 5104.0176 |
Men's Large Hill | sixth | 24th | fifth | 1804.176 |
6908.1936 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | 72nd | -10.60 |
Men's 100 kilometres Team Time Trial | 9th | 120 |
120 |
1976 | 1980 | HP | |
Four-man | silver | silver | 6000 |
6000 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Individual combined (6 apparatuses) | 13th | 25.6 |
Men's Team combined | silver | 1000 |
Men's Floor Exercise | 18th | 0.64 |
Men's Vault | 15th | 2.5 |
Men's Parallel Bars | 13th | 6.4 |
Men's Horizontal Bar | 42nd | - |
Men's Rings | 29th | 0.004 |
Men's Pommeled Horse | bronze | 640 |
1675.144 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's Coxless Pairs | silver | 5000 |
5000 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's Light-Heavyweight (-97 kg) | 8th | 422.4 | |
Men's Heavyweight (-100 kg) | 13th | ||
422.4 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's 200 metres Butterfly | SF:14th | 20 |
20 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Team | 11th | 32 |
32 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Jumping, Individual | 7th | 500 | |
Jumping, Team | sixth | fifth | 410 |
910 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Individual Combined | 27th | 0.0256 |
Men's Team Combined | 8th | 64 |
64.0256 |
1972 | HP | |
One Person Dinghy (Finn) | 17th | 6 |
6 |
1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Men's Doubles, 500 m | SF:5th | 9th | 132.9 |
Men's Doubles, 1000 m | SF:4th | 51 | |
183.9 |
1980 | HP | |
Running Target | 18th | 3.84 |
3.84 |
Listed on the Czech NOC website.
1932 | HP | |
Featherweight (-60 kg) | sixth | 960 |
960 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Team | 13th | 12.8 |
12.8 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Coxless Fours | bronze | 1920 |
1920 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | 12th | 20 |
20 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | 12th | 20 |
20 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres | R1:5th | 0.00012 |
Men's 200 metres | R1:45th | 0.00001 |
0.00013 |
1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Men's Individual Combined | 69th | 62nd | -8.42 |
Men's Team Combined | 11th | 10th | 41 |
41.00000000416 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Road Race, Individual | ac | 0.000015 |
Men's Road Race, Team | ac | 20.25 |
20.250015 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's 1500 m Freestyle | R1:3rd | 25.6 |
Men's 4 x 200 m Freestyle Relay | SF:4th | 82 |
107.6 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Team | eighth | 128 |
128 |
1952 | 1956 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres Backstroke | R1:20th | SF:16th | 11.1 |
11.1 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Team | fifth | 500 |
500 |
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-57 kg) | silver | sixth | 6960 |
6960 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's 20 kilometres Walk | sixth | 640 |
640 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's 400 metres | QF:5th | 2.29 |
Men's 4x400m Relay | R1:6th | 1.3 |
3.59 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Team combined, Swedish system | gold | 1600 |
1600 |
Olympic Competitor nr 6172
1984 | 1988 | 1992 | HP | |
Men's Coxless Pairs | 9th | 1570 | ||
Men's Coxed Pairs | fifth | |||
Men's Coxed Fours | 9th | |||
1570 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Light-Welterweight (-63.5 kg) | QF | 79.13 |
79.13 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's 200 m Butterfly | bronze | 2560 |
2560 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's 800 metres | 8th | 256 |
Men's 1500 metres | R1:7th | 0.057 |
256.057 |
1908 | HP | |
Men's York Round | 13th | 28.8 |
Men's Continental Style | 2nd | 4500 |
4528.8 |
The English archers competed unofficially in the Continental style event, but I award them the points they would have received if their competition had been official.
Olympic Competitor nr 3994
B. 1969-02-12, London, England, Great Britain
Track & Field (2 silver, 1 bronze)
1992 | 1996 | 2000 | 2004 | HP | |
Men's Javelin Throw | bronze | silver | silver | fourth | 20064 |
20064 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Canadian Singles 10000m | fourth | 2400 |
2400 |
1976 | 1980 | 1984 | HP | |
Men's Canadian Singles 500 metres | SF:4th | SF:4th | 136 | |
Men's Canadian Singles 1000 metres | SF:4th | Rep:4th | 168 | |
304 |
1920 | 1924 | HP | |
Men's Water Polo | (bronze) | fourth | 1600 |
1600 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's 500 m | 8th | 256 |
Men's 1500 m | dnf | 0.01 |
Men's 5000 m | 13th | 25.6 |
281.61 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's 5000 m | bronze | 2560 |
Men's 10000 m | FI:dnf | 10 |
Men's 3000 m Team | bronze | 640 |
Men's Cross-Country | silver | 5000 |
Men's Cross-Country, Team | bronze | 640 |
8850 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's 5000 metres | 12th | 40 |
Men's 10000 metres | bronze | 2560 |
2600 |
1948 | 1952 | HP | |
Men's Road Race, Individual | dnf | dnf | 8.08x10-17 |
Men's Road Race, Team | dnf | dnf | - |
8.08x10-17 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's 15 kilometres | 20th | 1 |
Men's 50 kilometres | 13th | 25.6 |
26.6 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Middleweight (-69 kg) | R1 | 4.92 |
4.92 |
1932 | 1936 | HP | |
Men's 50 km | 19th | 33rd | 1.60256 |
1.60256 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Hammer Throw | 13th | 38.4 |
38.4 |
1956 | HP | |
Three Person Keelboat (Dragon) | bronze | 2560 |
2560 |
1904 | 1906 | 1908 | HP | |
Men's 400 m | fifth | 750 | ||
Men's 800 m | sixth | 480 | ||
Men's 1500 m | 9th | 120 | ||
Men's 400 m Hurdles | gold | 7200 | ||
8550 |
He represented the Greater New York Irish Athletic Association in the 1904 Club championship.
Olympic Competitor nr 2120
Olympic Competitor nr 4233
1924 | HP | |
Men's Lightweight (-66 kg) | R1 | 40.5 |
40.5 |
1964 | 1968 | 1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Jumping, Individual | 30th | 18th | 37th | 3.213 | |
Jumping, Team | 7th | 9th | 9th | 180 | |
183.213 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Team | fourth | 800 |
800 |
Olympic Competitor nr 4206
2016 | 2021 | 2024 | HP | |
Women's Skeet | gold | silver | 15th | 15615 |
Mixed Team Skeet | gold | 4800 | ||
20415 |
1984 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres | SF:5th | 130 |
Women's 200 metres | seventh | 400 |
Women's 4x100 m Relay | fourth | 400 |
930 |
1932 | 1936 | HP | |
Men's Triple Jump | 9th | 240 | |
Men's Pole Vault | sixth | 960 | |
Men's Decathlon | 10th | 12th | 210 |
1410 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Team | QU:3rd | 136 |
136 |
1980 | 1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Light-Welterweight (-63.5 kg) | R2 | 80.15 | ||
Men's Welterweight (-67 kg) | R1 | |||
80.15 |
1960 | HP | |
Women's 4x100 metres Relay | R1:4th | 82 |
82 |
1976 | 1980 | HP | |
Light Heavyweight (-82.5 kg) | bronze | 13440 | |
Middle Heavyweight (-90 kg) | gold | ||
13440 |
Written 2002-10-27 - last modified 2024-12-19
This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.