1952 | HP | |
Men's 18 km | 40th | 0.0001 |
Men's 4x10 km Relay | 11th | 16 |
16.0001 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Team | silver | 2000 |
2000 |
1948 | 1952 | HP | |
Men's Coxless Pairs | Rep:2nd | SF:2nd | 755 |
755 |
1956 | 1960 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres | R1:3rd | R1:4th | 0.0305 |
0.0305 |
1900 | HP | |
Men's Standing Long Jump | bronze | 3840 |
3840 |
Olympic Competitor nr 1022
1956 | 1960 | HP | |
Men's Downhill | 37th | 0.0004 | |
Men's Giant Slalom | 56th | 27th | 0.04 |
Men's Slalom | 26th | 17th | 4.064 |
4.1044 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Team | QU:4th | 7.25 |
7.25 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-56 kg) | R1 | 102 |
102 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Lightweight (-60 kg) | R2 | 1.02 |
1.02 |
Olympic Competitor nr 6000
Olympic Competitor nr 6708
1920 | 1924 | HP | |
GR Men's Featherweight (-60 kg) | Rep2 | 2617.5 | |
GR Men's Featherweight (-62 kg) | R2 | ||
FR Men's Featherweight (-62 kg) | BrSF | 600 | |
3217.5 |
Olympic Competitor nr 7107
1960 | HP | |
Men's Marathon | 26th | 0.096 |
0.096 |
1936 | HP | |
Painting - unknown event | 2 entries | 7.448 |
7.448 |
1936 | HP | |
Painting - Paintings | AC | 3.724 |
3.724 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Eights | 11th | 32 |
32 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:3rd | 38.96 |
38.96 |
1928 | 1932 | 1936 | HP | |
Men's High Jump | fourth | bronze | 12th | 6300 |
6300 |
1964 | HP | |
Women's High Jump | QU:23rd | 0.384 |
0.384 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Pole Vault | R1:24th | 0.24 |
0.24 |
1952 | HP | |
Women's Javelin Throw | 17th | 6 |
6 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-56 kg) | 15th | 15 |
15 |
1968 | HP | |
Men"s Team | 10th | 50 |
50 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's Team | (QF) | 287 |
287 |
1976 | HP | |
Three-person Keelboat (Soling) | 16th | 6.4 |
6.4 |
Olympic Competitor nr 6094
1988 | HP | |
Men's Team | silver | 2000 |
2000 |
1960 | 1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Pole Vault | QU:14th | 24 | ||
Men's Decathlon | 12th | dnf | 60.0038 | |
84.0038 |
1972 | 1976 | 1980 | HP | |
Women's Team | fifth | fourth | fourth | 2310 |
2310 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Featherweight (-62 kg) | 12th | 60 |
60 |
B. 1922-03-07, Budapest, Hungary, competed for Czechoslovakia while affiliated to Dukla Praha; D. 1991-10-23 in Praha
Boxing (1 gold)
1948 | 1952 | 1956 | HP | |
Men's Welterweight (-67 kg) | gold | QF | 14152.5 | |
Men's Middleweight (-75 kg) | QF | |||
14152.5 |
Born in Budapest, Hungary, so he might be Slovakian, but considering he competed for (Dukla) Praha, and that he died in Praha in 1991 (after the split of Czechoslovakia), I list him as Czech.
1976 | 1980 | HP | |
Men's Normal Hill | 14th | 8th | 272 |
Men's Large Hill | 10th | gold | 6500 |
6772 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Sprint | Rep2Fin | 195 |
Men's 1000 m Time Trial | 16th | 9.6 |
204.6 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Sprint | Rep:5th | 0.102 |
0.102 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Sabre, Individual | R1:6th | -4.26 |
Men's Sabre, Team | R1:4th | 6.4 |
6.400026 |
1984 | 1988 | 1992 | HP | |
Individual | silver | 27th | 13th | 5032.05 |
Team | fifth | 9th | fifth | 594 |
5626.05 |
She was first married to fellow Olympian Tonny Jensen, and later to Leif Tørnblad, who was a dressage judge at the 2012 Olympics.
1920 | HP | |
Men's Foil, Individual | R1:9th | 0.0000001 |
Men's Épée, Individual | R1:7th | 0.000000037 |
0.000000137 |
1920 | HP | |
Men's Team combined, Swedish system | gold | 1600 |
1600 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Half-Heavyweight (-95 kg) | fifth | 1230 |
1230 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-56 kg) | 15th | 15 |
15 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Four/Five | dnf | 120 |
120 |
1948 | 1952 | HP | |
Men's 50 km | fifth | 10th | 1100 |
1100 |
Olympic Competitor nr 5053
1968 | 1972 | HP | |
Rapid−Fire Pistol | 44th | 48th | 0.00002784 |
0.00002784 |
Olympic Competitor nr 5365
1906 | 1908 | 1912 | HP | |
Men's Marathon | fourth | 21st | dnf | 1800.72 |
1800.72 |
Olympic Competitor nr 3132
1948 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:3rd | 5.38 |
5.38 |
1960 | 1964 | 1968 | 1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's Canadian Singles 1000 metres | fourth | Rep:6th | 2460 | |||
Men's Canadian Doubles 1000 metres | bronze | Rep:5th | 3207.5 | |||
5667.5 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Sprint | Rep:3rd | 3.435 |
Men's Team Pursuit | QU:20th | 0.75 |
4.185 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Individual | gold | 12th | 8050 |
Team | bronze | gold | 2240 |
10290 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Team | bronze | 1280 |
1280 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1 | 0.98 |
0.98 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | dnf | -24.60 |
-24.60 |
1960 | 1964 | HP | |
Men's Flyweight (-51 kg) | gold | 9601.02 | |
Men's Bantamweight (-54 kg) | R1 | ||
9601.02 |
1964 | HP | |
Men's Individual | 26th | 0.08 |
Men's Team | bronze | 640 |
640.08 |
1924 | 1928 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | Rep:3rd | Rep2 | 624 |
624 |
1906 | 1908 | 1912 | HP | |
Men's Small-Bore Rifle | 31st | -2.64 | ||
Small-Bore Rifle, Disappearing Target | 33rd | -2.26 | ||
Men's Military Revolver | 19th | 1.2 | ||
Men's Military Revolver, Gras Model | 26th | 0.048 | ||
Men's Free Pistol, 25m | 20th | 0.75 | ||
Men's Free Pistol, 50m | 28th | 27th | 0.0592 | |
Men's Duelling Pistol, Au Visé | 12th | 9th | 190 | |
Men's Duelling Pistol, Au Commandement | fifth | 750 | ||
Men's Clay Pigeon, single trap | 7th | 300 | ||
Men's Clay Pigeon, double trap | 9th | 120 | ||
1362.06616 |
Olympic Competitor nr 2483
1980 | HP | |
Men's Eights | 7th | 200 |
200 |
1936 | HP | |
Women's Team combined | bronze | 1280 |
1280 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Flyweight (-51 kg) | bronze | 3120 |
3120 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | Rep:5th | 12 |
12 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Shot Put | fourth | 2400 |
2400 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Singles | R1 | 0.00000000019 |
Men's Doubles | R2 | 0.52 |
0.52000000019 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Singles | R2 | 0.00027 |
Men's Doubles | R2 | 0.52 |
0.52027 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's Shot Put | fifth | 1500 |
1500 |
1924 | HP | |
Women's Singles | R3 | 65.94 |
Women's Doubles | R2 | 81 |
Mixed Doubles | R1 | 1.47 |
148.41 |
1924 | 1928 | HP | |
Men's 100 m | QF:6th | 0.0036 | |
Men's Long Jump | 25th | 0.15 | |
Men's 4 x 100 m Relay | SF:3rd | R1:3rd | 136 |
136.1536 |
1980 | 1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Women's Team | sixth | fourth | silver | 3432 |
3432 |
B. 1965-06-12, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Track & Field (3 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze)
1988 | 1992 | 1996 | HP | |
Women's 100 m | fifth | fourth | bronze | 5676 |
Women's 200 m | sixth | gold | - | 7040 |
Women's 4 x 100 m | - | gold | gold | 3200 |
Women's 4 x 400 m | - | silver | - | 1000 |
16916 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Slalom | dnf | -13.16 |
-13.16 |
1936 | 1948 | HP | |
Men's Foil, Individual | R2:6th | 0.455 | |
Men's Foil, Team | SF:4th | SF:4th | 164 |
164.455 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's 800 m | R1:5th | 0.043 |
0.043 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres | R1:6th | R1:53rd | 0.000000426 |
Men's 200 metres | R1:42nd | -4.40 | |
Men's 4x100 metres Relay | R1:19th | 0.4 | |
0.400040426 |
1968 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-54 kg) | R32 | 1.02 |
1.02 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's Team | R1:3rd | 45.5 |
45.5 |
1948 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | QF:2nd | 127.5 |
127.5 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Team | prel. | 2 |
2 |
1972 | HP | |
Women's 4x100 m Relay | R1:dnf | 2.5 |
2.5 |
1984 | 1988 | 1992 | 1996 | 2000 | 2004 | 2008 | HP | |
Women's 50 m Freestyle | - | - | - | bronze | silver | 7216 | ||
Women's 100 m Freestyle | - | 7th | - | bronze | 2960 | |||
Women's 100 m Butterfly | - | - | - | bronze | 2560 | |||
Women's 4x100 m Freestyle Relay | gold | bronze | gold | gold | silver | 12880 | ||
Women's 4x100 m Medley Relay | - | (silver) | - | gold | silver | 3330 | ||
28946 |
Member of the American relay team that won gold in Los Angeles, Barcelona
and Sydney.
After making the American teams from 1984 to 1992, she returned out of retirement
to have her best olympics in 2000, finally also managing individual medals.
And then she added a fifth medal in the relays in 2008, aged 41.
1928 | HP | |
Architecture - unknown event | AC | 73.37 |
73.37 |
1968 | HP | |
Men's Sprint | Rep1:2nd | -2.34 |
Men's Time Trial | 20th | 1.5 |
1.5034 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's 1500 metres | R1:11th | 0.000043 |
0.000043 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Fours | Rep:2nd | 162.5 |
162.5 |
1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Rapid−Fire Pistol | 48th | -5.38 | |
Men's Free Pistol | 35th | -2.15 | |
0.00150384 |
1988 | HP | |
Men's Triple Jump | QU:33rd | -2.38 |
0.00384 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Team | QU:4th | 164 |
164 |
1960 | 1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's Light−Heavyweight (-82.5 kg) | 11th | 111.6 | ||
Men's Middle−Heavyweight (-90 kg) | 15th | 22nd | ||
111.6 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Half-Lightweight (-65 kg) | R1 | 0.4993 | |
Men's Lightweight (-71 kg) | R0 | ||
0.4993 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Team | 12th | 20 |
20 |
1980 | 1984 | 1988 | 1992 | 1996 | 2000 | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 | HP | |
Skeet | sixth | 11th | 1058.4750384 | |||||||
Men's Skeet | 20th | 43rd | 21st | 30th | ||||||
1058.4750384 |
He missed two Olympics because of Cuba's boycot of two capitalist countries, and then failed to go to a communist one, so he could have been at nine Olympic Games, but managed only six.
1968 | HP | |
Men's Team | QF | 287 |
287 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's Team Pursuit | QU:16th | 4.8 |
4.8 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Road Race | 20th | 1.5 |
1.5 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's Downhill | 50th | -5.10 |
Men's Giant Slalom | dnf | -17.26 |
Men's Slalom | dnf | -16.64 |
0.000001 |
1928 | HP | |
Men's Marathon | 35th | 0.0015 |
0.0015 |
1956 | HP | |
Men's Light Middleweight (-71 kg) | silver | 6000 |
6000 |
Olympic Competitor nr 5655
1960 | HP | |
Men's Lightweight (-67.5 kg) | 15th | 15 |
15 |
1984 | HP | |
Men's 3000 m Steeplechase | R1:25th | 0.15 |
0.15 |
B. 1888-01-22, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria, represented France
1912 | 1920 | HP | |
Men's Individual combined | 7th | silver | 5500 |
Men's Team combined, European system | bronze | 640 | |
6140 |
Olympic Competitor nr 6498
1960 | 1964 | 1968 | HP | |
Men's 1500 metres Freestyle | R1:23rd | R1:10th | 100.256 | |
Men's 400 metres Individual Medley | R1:19th | 1.6 | ||
Men's 4x200 metres Freestyle Relay | R1:14th | 4 | ||
105.856 |
1992 | 1996 | 2000 | HP | |
Women's Team | gold | gold | gold | 19200 |
19200 |
Member of the Cuban Volleyball team that won gold at Barcelona, Atlanta and
At 17 she was the youngest on the team in Barcelona, so she had a few more
Olympics to come.
1984 | HP | |
Men's 100 m Freestyle | 64th | -8.16 |
Men's 4x100 m Freestyle Relay | 22nd | 0.1 |
Men's 4x100 m Medley Relay | 20th | 0.25 |
0.3500000016 |
1924 | HP | |
Men's Sabre, Team | SF:3rd | 205 |
205 |
1972 | HP | |
Skeet | 24th | 0.24 |
0.24 |
1906 | 1908 | HP | |
Men's 100 metres | SF:5th | R1:2nd | 13.204 |
Men's Long Jump | 17th | 4.5 | |
17.704 |
Olympic Competitor nr 2864
1964 | HP | |
Men's Bantamweight (-54 kg) | R16 | 79.13 |
79.13 |
1948 | HP | |
Two-Person Keelboat (Swallow) | bronze | 3200 |
3200 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Eights | sixth | 320 |
320 |
1928 | 1932 | 1936 | 1948 | HP | |
Men's Team | bronze | R1:4th | bronze | 2825.46 | |
2825.46 |
He was the coach of the Swiss team in 1952 and of the Italian team in 1956.
1948 | HP | |
Women's Team All-Around | 8th | 128 |
128 |
1960 | HP | |
Men's Coxed Pairs | Rep:2nd | 340 |
340 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's 100 m Breaststroke | 17th | 4 |
Men's 200 m Breaststroke | 13th | 25.6 |
Men's 4 x 100 m Medley Relay | 9th | 40 |
69.6 |
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Men's 110 m Hurdles | R1:27th | 0.06 | |
Men's Long Jump | QU:nm | -3.96 | |
Men's High Jump | 8th | 384 | |
384.06096 |
1936 | HP | |
Men's 18 kilometres | 45th | 0.00001 |
Men's 50 kilometres | 27th | 0.04 |
Men's 4x10 kilometres Relay | 11th | 16 |
Men's Nordic Combined | 28th | 0.0256 |
16.06561 |
Olympic Competitor nr 4879
He was born in Rio de Janeiro of an Argentine father and a Brazilian mother, and he lived in London at the time. Although he had represented Britain in world championships before, he chose to represent Argentina at the Olympics.
1964 | 1968 | 1972 | 1976 | HP | |
One−Person Dinghy (Finn) | 31st | 0.4916 | |||
Two−Person Heavyweight Dinghy (Flying Dutchman) | 28th | 27th | |||
Three−Person Keelboat (Soling) | 22nd | ||||
0.4916 |
1984 | HP | |
Two Person Multihull (Tornado) | 18th | 3.2 |
3.2 |
1968 | HP | |
Two−Person Heavyweight Dinghy (Flying Dutchman) | 28th | 0.032 |
0.032 |
1988 | 1992 | HP | |
Men's Slalom | dnf | -17.16 | |
Men's Moguls | 47th | -5.30 | |
0.000003 |
1972 | 1976 | HP | |
Rapid-Fire Pistol | bronze | 11th | 3936 |
3936 |
His father served in the military, which is why he was born in Germany. He started Sport shooting in Orenburg, Russia, but he died in (by then independent) Belarus. The Russian-language Wikipedia calls him Belarussian and so shall I.
1928 | HP | |
8 metres Class | bronze | 1280 |
1280 |
1960 | HP | |
Women's 100 metres Freestyle | R1:22nd | 0.4 |
0.4 |
1976 | HP | |
Men's Half-Heavyweight (-93 kg) | R1 | 0.858 |
0.858 |
1952 | HP | |
Men's 110m Hurdles | R1:4th | 1.169 |
Men's 400m Hurdles | R1:5th | 0.0014 |
Men's 4x100m Relay | R1:dq | 0.1 |
1.2704 |
1972 | HP | |
Men's 800 metres | R1:6th | -4.21 |
0.000021 |
Olympic Competitor nr 6863
1960 | HP | |
Men's Sprint | Rep1:2nd | 0.179 |
Men's Team Pursuit | R1:9th | 120 |
120.179 |
1988 | HP | |
Men's 100 m Breaststroke | 37th | -3.40 |
Men's 200 m Breaststroke | 44th | -4.16 |
Men's 4x100 m Medley Relay | 18th | 0.64 |
0.640416 |
B. 1957-10-07, Nottingham, England, Great Britain
Figure Skating (1 gold, 1 silver)
1980 | 1984 | 1988 | 1992 | 1994 | HP | |
Ice Dance | fifth | gold | bronwe | 14562.5 | ||
14562.5 |
Three times together with Christopher Dean.
1948 | HP | |
Men's 100 m | R1:5th | 0.00000068 |
Men's 4x100 m Relay | R1:4th | 17 |
Men's Long Jump | 14th | 24 |
41.00000068 |
1984 | 1988 | HP | |
Men's Team | sixth | eighth | 448 |
448 |
1980 | HP | |
Men's Team | fourth | 800 |
800 |
Written 2000-12-03 - last modified 2025-01-21
This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.