Cross-Country Skiing 1984 - Men - Slovenia

1984 Cross-Country Skiing

  1. (10.01) Janež Kršinar (yug-SLO/CCS/1984-88)
  2. (10.00) Dušan Đurišič (yug-SLO/CCS/1984)
  3. (10.00) Ivo Čarman (yug-SLO/CCS/1980-84)
  4. (10.00) Jože Klemenčič (yug-SLO/CCS/1984)
  5. (-4.19) Sašo Grajf (yug-SLO/CCS/1984-88)

Skiers who competed before:

  1. (10.00) Ivo Čarman (yug-SLO/CCS/1980-84)

Written 2023-11-06 - last modified 2023-11-06

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