1924 Olympians from Slovenia

Here are all the Slovenian athletes that competed at Paris 1924: (on the Yugoslav team)

By sport

total list

  1. (16191) Leon Štukelj (yug-SLO/GYM/1924-28,36)
  2. (3882) Jože Primožič (yug-SLO/GYM/1924-28,36)
  3. (2090) Stane Derganc (yug-SLO/GYM/1924-28)
  4. (1469) Janez Porenta (yug-SLO/GYM/1924-28)
  5. (800.0) Stane Hlastan (yug-SLO/GYM/1924)
  6. (650.0) Stane Žilič (yug-SLO/GYM/1924)
  7. (400.1) Miha Oswald (yug-SLO/GYM/1924)
  8. (400.0) Rastko Poljšak (yug-SLO/GYM/1924)
  9. (29.24) Ivan Zajec (yug-SLO/ART/1924)
  10. (25.00) Josip Kosmatin (yug-SLO/CYR/1924)
  11. (0.240) Vladimir Seunig (yug-SLO/EQD/1924)
  12. (-3.16) Stane Perpar (yug-SLO/ATH/1924)

full list for Slovenia - Alphabetical listing

Written 2003-06-09 - last modified 2008-09-26

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.