Football 1936 - USA

1936 Football

  1. (52.76) Francis Ryan (USA/1928,36)
  2. (26.38) Bill Fiedler (USA/1936)
  3. (26.38) Andrew Gajda (USA/1936)
  4. (26.38) Fred Lutkefedder (USA/1936)
  5. (26.38) George Nemchik (USA/1936)
  6. (26.38) Charlie Altemose (USA/1936)
  7. (26.38) James Crockett (USA/1936)
  8. (26.38) Peter Pietras (USA/1936)
  9. (26.38) Frank Greinart (USA/1936)
  10. (26.38) Fred Zbikowski (USA/1936)
  11. (26.38) Frank Bartkus (USA/1936)

Athletes that had previously competed:

  1. (52.76) Francis Ryan (USA/1928,36)

Written 2018-01-03 - last modified 2018-01-03

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.