Canoeing - Sprint Kayak 1984 - Women - Canada

Kayak Sprint 1984

  1. (4540) Sue Holloway (CAN/KAY/1976,84)
  2. (4280) Alexandra Barré (CAN/KAY/1984)
  3. (1680) Lucie Guay (CAN/KAY/1984)
  4. (1522) Barb Olmsted (CAN/KAY/1984-88)

Kayakers that had competed before:

  1. (4540) Sue Holloway (CAN/KAY/1976,84)

Written 2024-02-18 - last modified 2024-02-18

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.