Tennis 1912 - Norway

1912 Tennis

  1. (665.7) Conrad Langaard (NOR/TEN/1912-24)
  2. (50.70) Richard Peterson (NOR/TEN/1912)
  3. (3.465) Noble Stibolt (NOR/TEN/1912)
  4. (2.495) Trygve Smith (NOR/TEN/1912)
  5. (2.495) Herman Bjørklund (NOR/TEN/1912)
  6. (2.494) Bjarne Angell (NOR/TEN/1912)

Also competed later

  1. (1098=665.7+430.5+1.99) Conrad Langaard (NOR/TEN/1912-24)

Written 2002-10-15 - last modified 2012-03-25

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