Basketball 1984 - women - Canada

1984 Basketball

  1. (1232) Sylvia Sweeney (CAN/BAS/1976,84)
  2. (832.0) Andrea Blackwell (CAN/BAS/1984,96)
  3. (832.0) Bev Smith (CAN/BAS/1984,96)
  4. (800.0) Alison Lang (CAN/BAS/1984)
  5. (800.0) Anna Pendergast (CAN/BAS/1984)
  6. (800.0) Candi Clarkson-Lohr (CAN/BAS/1984)
  7. (800.0) Carol Sealey (CAN/BAS/1984)
  8. (800.0) Debbie Huband (CAN/BAS/1984)
  9. (800.0) Lynn Polson (CAN/BAS/1984)
  10. (800.0) Misty Thomas (CAN/BAS/1984)
  11. (800.0) Toni Kordic (CAN/BAS/1984)
  12. (800.0) Tracie McAra (CAN/BAS/1984)

Basketters who competed previously

  1. (1232) Sylvia Sweeney (CAN/BAS/1976,84)

Written 2024-02-06 - last modified 2024-02-06

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