1924 Olympians from Slovakia

Here are all the Slovakian athletes that competed at Paris 1924: (on the Czecho-Slovak team)

By sport

Slovakia - men

  1. (5250) Miklós Kovács (tch-SVK/ATH/1908-12,24)
  2. (400.0) Alexander Bárta (tch-SVK/FEN/1924)
  3. (340.0) Vojtech Neményi (tch-SVK/WAT/1924)
  4. (0.384) Mikuláš Kucsera (tch-SVK/ATH/1924)

Athletes that had previously competed: (1)

  1. (5250) Miklós Kovács (tch-SVK/ATH/1908-12,24)

full list for Slovakia - Alphabetical listing

Written 2003-06-09 - last modified 2008-08-06

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.