Equestrianism Miscelaneous 1900 - Belgium

1900 Equestrianism - Miscelaneous

  1. (9750) Georges Nagelmackers (BEL/EQM/1900)
  2. (150.0) Étienne, Baron Van Zuylen Van Nijeveldt (BEL/EQM/1900)
  3. (150.0) Gaston Saint-Paul de Sinçay (BEL/EQM/1900)
  4. (150.0) Georges Chaudoir (BEL/EQM/1900)
  5. (150.0) Georges Pauwels (BEL/EQM/1900)
  6. (150.0) Orban (BEL/EQM/1900)
  7. (150.0) Paul Lambert (BEL/EQM/1900)
  8. (86,17) Georges Van Der Poele (BEL/EQM/1900)

Written 2016-12-15 - last modified 2022-09-29

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