Greco-Roman Wrestling 1952 - Germany

1952 Greco-Roman Wrestling

on the team of Saarland

  1. (384.0) Erich Schmidt (saa-GER/WRG/1952)
  2. (240.0) Norbert Kohler (saa-GER/WRG/1952)
  3. (60.00) Werner Zimmer (saa-GER/WRG/1952)

on the German team

  1. (2400) Heini Weber (GER/WRG/1952)
  2. (2400) Willi Waltner (GER/WRG/1952)
  3. (960.0) Ferdinand Schmitz (GER/WRG/1952)
  4. (384.0) Gustav Gocke (GER/WRG/1952)
  5. (384.0) Max Leichter (GER/WRG/1952)
  6. (240.0) Anton Mackowiak (GER/WRG/1952)
  7. (150.0) Rolf Ellerbrock (GER/WRG/1952)
  8. (48.00) Heini Nettesheim (GER/WRG/1936,52)

Wrestlers that competed previously :

  1. (48.00) Heini Nettesheim (GER/WRG/1936,52)

Written 2019-12-08 - last modified 2018-12-08

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