Fencing 1984 - Men - USA

1984 Fencing

  1. (3592) Peter Westbrook (USA/FEN/1976,84-96)
  2. (481.2) Peter Lewison (USA/FEN/1984-88)
  3. (382.7) Steve Mormando (USA/FEN/1984-92)
  4. (318.5) Mike Marx (USA/FEN/1984-96)
  5. (255.3) Mike Lofton (USA/FEN/1984-92)
  6. (253.7) Greg Massialas (USA/FEN/1984-88)
  7. (250.0) Mark Smith (USA/FEN/1984)
  8. (160.0) Phil Reilly (USA/FEN/1984)
  9. (160.0) Mike McCahey (USA/FEN/1984)
  10. (160.0) Joel Glucksman (USA/FEN/1984)
  11. (50.02) Robert Marx (USA/FEN/1984-92)
  12. (48.36) Stephen Trevor (USA/FEN/1984-88)
  13. (45.50) Lee Shelley (USA/FEN/1984-88)
  14. (22.75) Peter Schifrin (USA/FEN/1984)
  15. (22.75) John Moreau (USA/FEN/1984)

Fencers that had previously competed:

  1. (3592) Peter Westbrook (USA/FEN/1976,84-96)

Written 2024-03-30 - last modified 2024-03-30

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