Lacrosse 1904 - USA

1904 Lacrosse

  1. (1500) Almighty Voice (USA/LAC/1904)
  2. (1500) Albert Venn (USA/LAC/1904)
  3. (1500) A. M. Woods (USA/LAC/1904)
  4. (1500) George Passmore (USA/LAC/1904)
  5. (1500) J. W. Dowling (USA/LAC/1904)
  6. (1500) Tom Hunter (USA/LAC/1904)
  7. (1500) W. J. Ross (USA/LAC/1904)
  8. (1500) W. R. Gibson (USA/LAC/1904)
  9. (1500) William Partridge (USA/LAC/1904)
  10. (1500) William Passmore (USA/LAC/1904)

Written 2002-04-17 - last modified 2023-07-21

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