1976 Summer Olympians from Slovakia

On the team from Czechoslovakia

By sport

The full list - Men:

  1. (12086) Anton Tkáč (tch-SVK/CYT/1972-80)
  2. (3990) Dan Karabin (tch-SVK/WRF/1976-80)
  3. (3466) Miloslav Roľko (tch-SVK/SWI/1976-80)
  4. (3240) Ondrej Hekel (tch-SVK/WEI/1968-76)
  5. (2400) Ján Nagy (tch-SVK/WEI/1976)
  6. (1666) Jozef Plachý (tch-SVK/ATH/1968-80)
  7. (1657) Dušan Moravčík (tch-SVK/ATH/1972-80)
  8. (820.0) Štefan Pipa (tch-SVK/VOL/1972-76)
  9. (400.0) Gustav Hraška (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976-80)
  10. (400.0) Stano Kropilák (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976-80)
  11. (320.0) Justin Sedlák (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976)
  12. (320.0) Vladimír Padrta (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976)
  13. (240.4) Dušan Drška (tch-SVK/WEI/1976-80)
  14. (200.0) Ján Packa (tch-SVK/HAN/1976)
  15. (200.0) Jaroslav Papiernik (tch-SVK/HAN/1976)
  16. (200.0) Jozef Dobrotka (tch-SVK/HAN/1976)
  17. (160.0) Ľubor Štark (tch-SVK/KAY/1976)
  18. (128.0) Štefan Katušák (tch-SVK/HAN/1976)
  19. (62.40) Ivan Némethy (tch-SVK/SHO/1976-80)

Competed Before - Men:

  1. (12086) Anton Tkáč (tch-SVK/CYT/1972-80)
  2. (3240) Ondrej Hekel (tch-SVK/WEI/1968-76)
  3. (1666) Jozef Plachý (tch-SVK/ATH/1968-80)
  4. (1657) Dušan Moravčík (tch-SVK/ATH/1972-80)
  5. (820.0) Štefan Pipa (tch-SVK/VOL/1972-76)

The full list - Women:

  1. (3840) Eva Šuranová (tch-SVK/ATH/1972-76)
  2. (3696) Mária Faithová-Mračnová (tch-SVK/ATH/1968,76)
  3. (800.0) Božena Miklošovičová (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976)
  4. (800.0) Ľudmila Chmelíková (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976)
  5. (800.0) Ľudmila Králiková (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976)
  6. (800.0) Yvetta Polláková (tch-SVK/BAS/BAS/1976)
  7. (750.0) Marie Bartáková (tch-SVK/ROW/1976)
  8. (493.1) Katarína Ráczová-Lokšová (tch-SVK/FEN/1972-80)
  9. (256.4) Ingrid Holkovičová (tch-SVK/GYM/1976)
  10. (2.560) Jozefína Čerchlanová (tch-SVK/ATH/1976)

Competed Before - Women:

  1. (3840) Eva Šuranová (tch-SVK/ATH/1972-76)
  2. (3696) Mária Faithová-Mračnová (tch-SVK/ATH/1968,76)
  3. (493.1) Katarína Ráczová-Lokšová (tch-SVK/FEN/1972-80)

full list for Slovakia

Written 2023-01-09 - last modified 2023-01-09

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.