Polo 1936

The events at Berlin :


  1. (3200) Luis Duggan (ARG/1936)
  2. (3200) Roberto Cavanagh (ARG/1936)
  3. (3200) Andrés Gazzotti (ARG/1936)
  4. (3200) Manuel Andrada (ARG/1936)
  5. (2000) Bryan Fowler (GBR/1936)
  6. (2000) William Hinde (GBR/1936)
  7. (2000) David Dawnay (GBR/1936)
  8. (2000) Humphrey Guinness (GBR/1936)
  9. (1280) Juan Gracia (MEX/1936)
  10. (1280) Antonio Nava (MEX/1936)
  11. (1280) Julio Müller (MEX/1936)
  12. (1280) Alberto Ramos (MEX/1936)
  13. (800.0) Dienes-Öhm Tivadar (HUN/1936)
  14. (800.0) Szentpály Imre (HUN/1936)
  15. (800.0) Bethlen István (HUN/1936)
  16. (800.0) Kovács Desző (HUN/1936)
  17. (800.0) Bartalis Kálmán (HUN/1936)
  18. (500.0) Heinrich Amsinck (GER/1936)
  19. (500.0) Arthur Köser (GER/1936)
  20. (500.0) Robert Miles Reincke (GER/1936)
  21. (500.0) Walter Bartram (GER/1936)

By Country - men:

the full Polo list

Written 2014-03-02 - last modified 2018-01-12

This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here for a full Introduction.