Wrestling - Greco-Roman - Super Heavyweight
- (9600) Carl Schuhmann (GER/1896)
- (6000) Georgios Tsitas (GRE/1896)
- (3840=5412) Stefanos Khristopoulos (GRE/1896,1906)
lost to Georgios Tsitas
Round One
- (1620) Launceston Elliott (GBR/1896) lost to
Carl Schuhmann
- (1620) Momcilo Tapavica (SRB/1896) lost to
Stefanos Khristopoulos
- Georgios Tsitas was bye
- (6400=12800) Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12)
- (4000) Henri Baur (AUT/1906)
- (2560=3134) Marcel Dubois (BEL/1906)
- (1080) Heinrich Rondi (GER/1906)
- (1080=5412) Stefanos Christopoulos (GRE/1896,1906)
- (1080) Dimitrios Psaltopoulos (GRE/1906)
Round One:
- (229) Rudolf Arnold (AUT/1906)
- (229) Wilhelm Born (GER/1906)
- (229=6629) Weisz Richárd (HUN/1906-08)
- (229) Ioannis Patsoulis (GRE/1906)
Final Round
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906) beat
Marcel Dubois (BEL/1906)
- Henri Baur (AUT/1906) beat
Marcel Dubois (BEL/1906)
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906) beat
Henri Baur (AUT/1906)
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906) beat (1080)
Heinrich Rondi (GER/1906)
- Marcel Dubois (BEL/1906) beat (1080=5412)
Stefanos Khristopoulos (GRE/1896,1906)
- Henri Baur (AUT/1906) beat (1080)
Dimitrios Psaltopoulos (GRE/1906)
Round One
- Stefanos Khristopoulos (GRE/1896,1906) beat
(229) Rudolf Arnold (AUT/1906)
- Marcel Dubois (BEL/1906) beat (229)
Wilhelm Born (GER/1906)
- Henri Baur (AUT/1906) beat (229=6629)
Weisz Richárd (HUN/1906-08)
- Dimitrios Psaltopoulos (GRE/1906) beat (229)
Ioannis Patsoulis (GRE/1906)
- (1200) Søren Jensen (DEN/1906)
- (750) Verner Weckman (FIN/1906)
- (480) Rudolf Watzl (AUT/1906)
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906) beat
Rudolf Watzl (AUT/1906)
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906) beat
Verner Weckman (FIN/1906)
- (6400=6629) Weisz Richárd (HUN/1906-08)
- (4000) Aleksandr Petrov (RUS/1908)
- (2560=12800) Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12)
- (1600) Payr Hugó (HUN/1908)
- (Q) Aleksandr Petrov (RUS/1908) beat (QB)
Payr Hugó (HUN/1908)
- (Q) Weisz Richárd (HUN/1906-08) beat
(QB) Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12)
Round One
- (Q) Aleksandr Petrov (RUS/1908) beat (680)
Frederick Humphreys (GBR/1908)
- (Q) Payr Hugó (HUN/1908) beat (680=842)
Ned Barrett (IRL/1908-12)
- (Q) Weisz Richárd (HUN/1906-08) beat
(680) Carl Jensen (DEN/1908)
- (9600) Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1912)
- (6000) John Olin (FIN/1912)
- (3840=12800) Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12)
Final Round Three
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall
John Olin (FIN/1912)
Final Round Two (not fought)
Final Round One
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall
Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12)
Ranking after round six
- one loss, four wins
Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
fall loss fall
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall loss ret
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec dec
loss dec bye
two losses, four wins, eliminated
- (2400) Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall loss
ret dec loss
Round Six
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
fall loss fall Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec
fall loss ret dec loss
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall loss ret
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec dec
loss dec bye
Ranking after round five
- one loss, four wins
John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall loss ret
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall loss ret dec
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec dec
loss dec
one loss, three wins
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
fall loss
two losses, two wins, eliminated
- (1500) Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo loss
fall loss
one loss, two wins, abandoned after round four
- (1500) Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec dec
loss aband
two losses, one win, eliminated
- (600) Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall
wo wo loss
Round Five
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall loss ret
Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
fall loss
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall loss ret dec
Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo loss fall
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec dec
loss dec Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall
wo wo loss
Ranking after round four
- no losses, three wins
Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
one loss, three wins
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall loss ret
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall loss
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec dec
one loss, two wins
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo loss fall
one loss, one win
- Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall wo wo
one loss, two wins, abandoned
- Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec dec loss
two losses, one win, eliminated
- (600) Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall loss
bye loss
Round Four
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall loss ret
Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall loss bye loss
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
fall Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall
dec dec loss
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo loss fall
John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall loss
- Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall wo wo
Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec dec loss
Ranking after round three
- no losses, three wins
John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec dec
no losses, two wins
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
one loss, two wins
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall loss
- Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec dec loss
one loss, one win
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo loss
- Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall wo
- Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall loss bye
two losses, one win, eliminated
- (600) Gustaf Lindstrand (SWE/1912) fall loss
- (600) Barend Bonneveld (NED/1912-20) dec loss
one loss, no wins, abandoned
- (96) Ned Barrett (GBR/1908-12) loss wo aband
Round Three
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo fall
Gustaf Lindstrand (SWE/1912) fall loss loss
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo loss
Barend Bonneveld (NED/1912-20) dec loss loss
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall fall
Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall loss
- Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall wo
Ned Barrett (GBR/1908-12) loss wo aband
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec dec
Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec dec loss
- Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall loss bye
ranking after round two
- no losses, two wins
John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec
- Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec dec
no losses, one win
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo
one loss, one win
- Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall
- Gustaf Lindstrand (SWE/1912) fall loss
- Barend Bonneveld (NED/1912-20) dec loss
- Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall loss
one loss, no wins
- Ned Barrett (GBR/1908-12) loss wo
two losses = eliminated after round two
- (96) David Karlsson (SWE/1912) loss loss
- (96) Laurent Gerstmans (BEL/1912) loss loss
- (96) Alrik Sandberg (SWE/1912) loss loss
one loss, abandoned after round one
- (96) Jean Hauptmanns (GER/1912) loss aband
- (96) Raoul Paoli (FRA/1912) loss aband
- (96) Nikolajs Farnasts (rus-LAT/1912) loss
Round Two
- Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec
David Karlsson (SWE/1912) loss loss
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall wo
Jean Hauptmanns (GER/1912) loss aband
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall wo
Raoul Paoli (FRA/1912) loss aband
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall fall
Gustaf Lindstrand (SWE/1912) fall loss
- Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss fall
Laurent Gerstmans (BEL/1912) loss loss
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec fall
Barend Bonneveld (NED/1912-20) dec loss
- Ned Barrett (GBR/1908-12) loss wo
Nikolajs Farnasts (rus-LAT/1912) loss aband
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall dec
Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall loss
- Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye dec dec
Alrik Sandberg (SWE/1912) loss loss
Ranking after round one
- one win
Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall
- Gustaf Lindstrand (SWE/1912) fal
- Barend Bonneveld (NED/1912-20) dec
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall
- Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall
no match yet
- Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye
one loss
- David Karlsson (SWE/1912) loss
- Jean Hauptmanns (GER/1912) loss
- Raoul Paoli (FRA/1912) loss
- Laurent Gerstmans (BEL/1912) loss
- Emil Backenius (FIN/1912) loss
- Nikolajs Farnasts (rus-LAT/1912) loss
- Ned Barrett (GBR/1908-12) loss
- Alrik Sandberg (SWE/1912) loss
Round One
- Yrjö Saarela (FIN/1908-12) fall
David Karlsson (SWE/1912)
- Kalle Viljamaa (FIN/1912) fall
Jean Hauptmanns (GER/1912)
- John Olin (FIN/1912) fall
Raoul Paoli (FRA/1912)
- Gustaf Lindstrand (SWE/1912) fall
Laurent Gerstmans (BEL/1912)
- Barend Bonneveld (NED/1912-20) dec
Emil Backenius (FIN/1912)
- Jakob Neser (GER/1912) dec
Nikolajs Farnasts (rus-LAT/1912)
- Søren Jensen (DEN/1906-12) fall
Ned Barrett (GBR/1908-12)
- Adolf Lindfors (FIN/1912-20) fall
Alrik Sandberg (SWE/1912)
- Uuno Pelander (FIN/1912) bye
Written 2000-12-14 - last modified 2024-08-20
This page is part of the site "Full Olympians" by Herman De Wael. See here
for a full Introduction.